We've had different items for the different colors of shock boots. We are combining the colors into one single item per vehicle. Just select the color of shock boot you want and away we go!
We started out with just the solid color and the metalic color shock boots. We then added the Flame Blue & Flame Orange colors. Next we added the three lightning colors.
We are looking at adding a couple of more patterns. Getting some samples of materials in next week.
Right now get your shock boots for the:
Traxxas X-MAXX http://www.fullforcerc.com/XMX018
HPI BAJA http://www.fullforcerc.com/5B018
KRAKEN VEKTA.5 http://www.fullforcerc.com/VKT018
LOSI 5ive-T & DBXL http://www.fullforcerc.com/L5T018